How do I know that I have my porn addiction under control? Its because I can unplug even for a week without ever looking at internet porn, that's how. One of the tests that I took online to find out my level of addiction showed that I am on my way of becoming hardcore. But as far as I know, ever since my first encounter with porn (my dad's secret video stash but that is for another story) way back when I was a kid, I have always been cool about it. I can do things without thinking about banging the next skirt that passes by. Things like that. I can concentrate at work without ever looking at porn.
Looking for porn at work... Now that is one dangerous habit. And it is becoming a tad rampant these days. It does not matter whether you are in the civil industry or the private sector, men tend to surf for porn in the office. While it is estimated that 75% of all internet office surfers accidently stumble upon porn while searching for information, whether via Google image finder or what not, about 1 out of 3 surfers at work surf for porn. That is based on a statistics in the UK.
Which reminds me of this article that I found on the net. Government workers in the US have been surfing for porn since the internet first boomed. And these days it is becoming more and more a serious problem. Investigations on employees' misconducts, which were done recently (2009) showed that x-rated material viewing at work grew by 6 fold. Out of 10 misconducts, 7 involved the viewing of pornographic materials while at work.
One senior officer was found to have been surfing porn more than 300 days in a year while he was working at a US Government agency; going so far as to even chat with the many naked ladies online. When confronted, he hilariously defended his actions by saying that it is for a good cause. That these women in foreign far away country are in need of money to support their family and this is one of his ways to help these women to support their life and family.
Come on!!! What kind of lame excuse is that? Want to do charity? Help the many other people in need out there. There are many Charitable Organizations that could help distribute your money to many other needy people. This is almost like how guys try to justify their porn surfing habits by saying that its either a) for educational purposes or b) they look at porn as art. My answer to that is this, if you look at porn and find yourself hard and wanking away until you are done, then it is for your own pleasure.
Not charity...
Charity... see the difference?
Don't try to justify perversion. It is what it is. Either accept it or deny it. But don't make excuses for it.
I love porn. I have never shied away from it. At work, when people forward me porn via the email, I tend to keep them simply because the bosses are on the list as well. At least, if they try to fire me due to unjust reasons, I can take them down with me by saying that they are abusing office policies as well. So the bosses too should be fired.
Look at it as an insurance.
But I never keep the ones that does not have the bosses name on the mailing list, nor do I intentionally look for porn while working. It is just not worth it people. IT policies are there for a reason. And companies can fire you for the lamest of excuses. Don't let porn be it. You want to surf for porn, then by all means... Go! I surf for porn almost daily but I never do it at work. It's all done at home. To be fired from work because of porn, man... how is that going to look on your records?
And please... don't look at this as me trying to tell people what to do. Look at it as an advise. All you need is to put common sense into gear just a wee tiny bit before doing anything and it'll save you from a whole load of trouble. And surfing for porn at work... is a whole load of trouble that you don't need.
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